
Dover Chalk

Still in stock
Delivery period: 10 working days

£14.85 / box(es)
Price incl. VAT, 


Customer ratings for Dover Chalk

Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 4
from on 14/07/2018
A bit disappointed when we have received delivery and 2 boxes been completely damaged
Rang them and they handled it so well. . At the end it was delivery company fault but they have replaced goods and now my wall looks amazing. This tile is very detailed and looks like is made from white Dover cliff rocks. Great result.

All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.


Product Note Status Price
Ceresit CM12 - 25 Kg Flex Ceresit CM12 - 25 Kg Flex
£29.50 / pack(s) *
Ceresit CM16 - 25 Kg-Super Flex Ceresit CM16 - 25 Kg-Super Flex
£33.40 / pack(s) *
Mapei Rapid Set Adhesive Mapei Rapid Set Adhesive
£29.00 / pack(s) *
Prices incl. VAT, 
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