To build Drystone Stacked Fence Pillar you need: pillar blocks and coping stone. It is possible to erect Drystone Stacked Fence Pillars and fit wooden or metal fence panels between them. However for best visual effect, we recommend to consider of building fence wall ( please see below in Accessories part ) joining each pillar . You have to decide what height of wall between the Fence Pillars will be best for you. You can build max 106 cm high wall.
Joining 4 pillar blocks, creates a rectangle Fence column section measuring 40 cm x 32 cm and height of 20 cm

Pillar block with slots allowing to join Fence Pillar with Fencing wall. Please note: if you going to build Pillar which will be a corner Pillar you need to incorporate 2 blocks with slot at each layer.
When Fence pillar is build to desired hight, and been left for 48 hours to rest. You can start pouring concrete inside the column to add strenght to full construction. We recommend to use steel rods to support the pillar especially if pillar is higher than 130 cm.
Remember :
To caluclate the number of parts needed to build desired Stone Brick Fence you can always call us on 01482 839883 , write an email to and send us enquiry with following information:
1. Pillar height
2. Fence Wall ( between the pillar ) height and lenght
3. Sketch of the Fence ( hand drawing is enough )